For the past few weeks, I have been studying a book by J.C. Ryle called Thoughts for Young Men. I plan on posting something that impacted me or something applicable to young men from each chapter for the next few weeks. The posts may be a bit sporadic as I haven't finished the book just yet. The first post will be from chapter one which is called:
1. Reasons for Exhorting Young Men:
In our modern world, there are few young men who take any interest in religion. Although this is sad it is true. Many young men are focused on self and pleasure. These two things have ruined many peoples souls. Young men like myself need to be serious minded and focused on the word of God. This day, I need to choose whom I will serve, will it be God or self? Let us young men be like Joshua who, speaking to Israel, renouncing the false god's of the land and instead chose to serve the Lord his God. (Joshua 24:15)Besides not caring for religion, many young men live as though the day of their death is far away. As a young man myself, I do not know the day of hour that I am appointed to die, but I do know that it could be at any moment. My life is but a breath, a drop in a vast ocean of time. I cannot wait till tomorrow to attend to the most important things in my life. Proverbs 27:1 says, "Do not boat about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day will bring forth." Many young men think that tomorrow they can serve God, tomorrow they will trust in Christ, or tomorrow they will attend to the meaningful things of life. This is how I used to live and I would have kept living that way if Christ had not stepped in and saved my soul. As one who knows form experience, I tell you that you must not put off important things for tomorrow, because that 'tomorrow' may never come.
J. C. Ryle states,
"Young man your time is short. Your days are but a span long, a shadow, a vapour, a tale soon told. You bodies are not brass. "Even the young men," says Isaiah, "shall utterly fall" (Isaiah 40:30). Your health may be taken from you in a moment: it only takes a fall, a fever, an inflammation, a broken blood-vessel, and the worm would soon feed upon you.
There is but a step between you and death. This night you soul may be required of you. You are fast going all the way of the earth, you will soon be gone. Your life is all uncertainty, you death and judgement are perfectly sure. You too must hear the Archangel's trumpet, and go forth to stand before the great white throne. You too must obey that summons, which Jerome says was always ringing in his ears: "Arise, you dead and come to judgement." "Surely I come quickly," is the language of the judge Himself (Rev. 22:20). I cannot, dare not, will not let you alone."
As young men, we must realise that every day we need to fight sinful temptations that war against our bodies, minds, and souls. the life patters and habits that we practice now will be extremely hard to uproot when we grow older. The character patters that we develop now will be with us for our entire lives. We cannot expect to serve self now and God later. We mock God when we do this. It will not be easy to turn to God when it suits us. The longer we live an unrepentant life the farther we drift from the knowledge and ways of God. It is especially important for us as young men to live for God now, not only because it will benefit our souls, but also because we make up the next generation. If we don't know how to serve God, how will we teach our family to do the same? While on earth, we need to, I need to, fix my eyes on Christ our joy and crown. He is more important and valuable than all the pleasures of this world. He is the Saviour of my soul and He will save your soul as well if your turn from your sin and put your trust in His name. (Romans 10:9-10)
Finally, young men must realise that they need to start serving God now. Right now is the time when us young men are the healthiest and strongest. We need to use our energy for the glory and praise of God. Flee from youthful lusts so that you will not have to face the consequences of sin, later in your life. Live like a wise man and not a fool. To do this we must saturate ourselves in the word of God and learn what it wants us to do. Study the Bible, it is the most profitable thing you could do. 2 Timothy 3:16, - "All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."
Ryle concludes the chapter with this statement:
"Experience," says the proverb, "keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other."
I want you to escape the misery of learning in that school. I want you to avoid the
wretchedness that youthful sins are sure to produce.
This is the last reason why I exhort you.
Lucas C.
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