What I'm going to talk about today is my love for sports and how I can, as a Christian, use my sports to the glory of God. Compared to major sporting events that are televised worldwide, the team that I play for is much less popular. Ever since I was a kid, hockey has always been my favourite sport to play. Although I do enjoy playing other sports, hockey always stood out as my best. Growing up my sisters and I spent hours and hours playing street hockey with the neighbourhood kids. As I got older, it changed from street hockey to ice hockey. I first started on the ice at 13 and this is my fifth year. During that time of playing hockey, the Lord worked in my life and drew me unto Himself. At the age of 15 I put my complete trust in Christ as the saviour of my life. He was now my Lord over everything that I did. Colossians 1:18 says, "...so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything."
Early on in my Christian life I realized that Christ is to be first place in all that I do, even sports.
Just like any other young man, I am passionate about sports and have lots of competitiveness in me when I get playing. As a Christian, to be able to realise how to make Christ, first place in my sports I had to have an understanding of what Christ had given me.
1. A Thankfulness for the Abilities that I have.
When one becomes a Christian, he starts to see things so much differently than before. Since I love to play hockey and have enjoyed it, I realise the need to be thankful to my God for giving me the ability to play this sport. We read a very familiar verse in 1 Corinthians 10:31, it says, "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." By taking this verse seriously, I can be thankful to the Lord for even the most common things that He has given me. First off, the Lord has given me a healthy body be able to perform the functions needed for the sport. He has given me legs to skate, arms to stickhandle and shoot a puck, and eyes and ears to see and hear what I need to do for the game. For myself, this is a way that I can give glory and honour to God in the sport I play. I don't deserve life from God, for it was my sin that nailed His Son to the tree! What grace he has given to us as humans to do earthly activities that bring joy to us. The least we can do is give the glory back to Him.
2. A Good Attitude in the Way I Play.
Another way that I can bring glory to God when I play sports, is to have a good attitude! Since I was a little boy, I have been taught by my parents to have a good attitude about things. Having a good attitude really stems from my first point about being thankful. Whether winning or loosing, my attitude should be one that pleases God. There should be no reason to become angry, frustrated or out of control during a hockey game. I think of C.J. Mahaney's booklet titled, "Don't waste Your Sports". As a Christian I can't waste the opportunity I have while playing even a hockey game to give glory to my king and be a witness to others of my love for God.
3. A Humble Heart.
The most important way, I think, to give God glory in my sports is to have a humble heart. Humility is something that all of us struggle with. Especially in a sporting event we can become proud as to what we have done or can do. I know for I fact that I have been proud many times. I am reminded by the Lord though to keep a humble heart and give Him the well-deserved praise. To remind myself of this, I set aside a time before my game to pray, and ask the Lord to keep me humble and honouring to Him.
Right now, I play in a Christian Hockey league called CCJHL. It is a blessing to have a good environment and to make some good friends. To be able to enjoy the sport, and give glory to God is a privilege that I have a Christian. As I continue to play, I hope to be a witness to others of my love for God in my words, attitudes, and actions.
These points don't only apply to sports, but I shared them because they help me greatly to be a man who gives my God glory even in the, 'unimportant things' in life. As Christians, we sometimes think, How could you actually give God glory by eating, drinking, or playing a hockey game? Well, you can! Think of what the Lord has done for you, have a thankful humble heart, and most of all praise Him for the work of salvation in your heart. He has given us endless joy and blessings, let us as His slaves, give glory back to Him. You never know, God may bless you in ways you couldn't have imagined.
2012-2013 CCJHL Champions! |
Lucas C.
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