Friday, 18 October 2013

Strange Fire Quotes:

The Strange Fire Conference has been excellent. The Truth of the Word of God has been preached for all to hear and understand. And many people have heard the message. Yesterday the hash tag #StrangeFire was the most used hash tag around the entire world! Here are some great quotes from the conference so far:

Pastor John Macarthur:

"The biggest problem in the church to day is absence of discernment...Exercising discernment is the heart of Christian living because Christian living flows out of Christian thinking."

"Taking the Lord's name in vain is more than just swearing. It's speaking of Him in an irreverent manner, or assigning to him things he would never do and things He would never say."

"Show me a person obsessed with the Holy Spirit and I'll show you a person not filled with the Holy Spirit."

"The only way you're living your best life now is if your going to hell."

"When the Holy Spirit is the person being sought, His work has been rejected."

Pastor Conrad Mbewe:

"You cannot have spiritual life when this book, (the Bible) is closed...Where the Word of God is closed, the gospel has been lost, and invariably the life remains sinful and self-centered. And one fo the effects of that has been the loss of true worship."

Pastor Tom Pennington:

"The man of God needs no additional revelation. It's all right here (the Bible)."

"The charismatic gifts are not the same as the New Testament gifts because they are not the New Testament gifts."

"Those who are in Christ are driven by the mind, by their understanding of truth."

Pastor Justin Peters:

"There is no prosperity gospel; no social gospel. If you add an adjective to the gospel, than you don't have the gospel."

"It makes is very hard for us to warn the people about the wolves when the leaders fo the sheep are associating with the wolves."

Pastor Steve Lawson:

"It's not that we get more of the Holy Spirit, It's that He gets more of us."

"Listen, right will always be right, wrong will always be wrong, the way of salvation will always be the way of salvation. God's revelation is unchanging because God Himself is immutable and unchanging."

"Do not bring your, 'Thus saith the Lord' into this house if it's not found in chapter and verse."

"This book (the Bible) is not hard to understand, It's just hard to swallow."

"May we here tonight have a cessation clause in our personal statement of faith...May the Word of God, and the Word of God alone, be our rule of authority and standard..."

       Lucas C.

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