Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Thoughts for young Men - J. C. Ryle (Part 5)

Finally, the time has come for me to finish this study of Thoughts for Young Men by J. C. Ryle! I have enjoyed it very much and it has been a blessing to me to glean some wisdom from Mr. Ryle. There is so much truth in this little book, I have barely scratched the surface in my summaries of previous chapters. (Found Here: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4). So today, let's dive into the final chapter of the book.

5. Concluding Remarks to Young Men.

In the fifth and final chapter of  Thoughts for Young Men, J. C. Ryle gives some concluding remarks for us young men to take to heart. We have received much counsel so far about why we should be exhorted, the dangers that we face, the counsel we must heed, and the rules we mast apply to our lives. It is now time for a conclusion of the truths we have learned. We have learnt about many things and have heard many things that we, probably do not like to hear, but they are true are they not? Appeal to your conscience, although we are corrupt, sinful, and ruined by the fall, we all have a conscience. In your soul you know the true difference between right and wrong. We know that God above is a witness to us and we know that He understands the very thoughts and intentions of our heart. Are not the things that we have learned true? Do they not speak to your heart and urge your soul to be made right with God? I pray that they do!

Go then, young man, and resolve this day to remember your Creator in the days of your youth. Before the day of grace is past, before you conscience has become hardened by age, and deadened, by repeated trampling under foot, while you have strength, and time, and opportunities, go and join yourself to the Lord in an everlasting covenant not to be forgotten. The Spirit will not 
always strive with you. The voice of conscience will become feebler and fainter every year you continue to resist it. The Athenians said to Paul, "We will hear you again on this matter," by they heard him for the last time (Acts 17:32). Make haste, and do not delay. Linger and hesitate no more."  - J. C. Ryle
Think of the joys of salvation! and the comfort you will receive if you put your trust and belief in the Saviour of the world. Think of your parents and the energy and time they have given you to point you to Jesus Christ. Oh, the joy you would give them if you obeyed the counsel of the Lord! Be like the wise son in Proverbs 10:1, who, "makes a glad father," and not like the foolish son who, "is the grief of his mother." May it never be said of you at the last, as it is of so many that your, "Youth was a blunder, your manhood a struggle, and your old age a regret."
More than the comfort it will bring to your soul, and the comfort is will bring to those around you who also know and love Christ, think of the instrument you can be for God if you surrender your entire life to Him! Think of the prophets and apostles of old, Moses, Elijah, Daniel, Paul, Stephen, and the 12 disciples, all of them served God with sincere hearts. God will delight in you if you serve Him while you are young. Where are you young men today! Where are the men who will consecrate themselves to God? You are needed by the mightiest of all Kings to go forth into this world and do His bidding. Stop your sleep of apathy and your desire for unrestrained selfishness! The whole world is open before you, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." (Matthew 9:37) Work as servants of God by bringing to the people of this world the gospel of Jesus Christ. What greater message than the gospel has ever been spoken form the lips of man? Fight the good fight of faith and at last, receive the crown of glory. Believe me as one of your peers, young man, the path that follows in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus Christ will be the most beneficial to your never-dying soul.
Believe me, whatever vain notions you have heard, believe me, there is a reward for the righteous even in this world (Luke 18:29-30). Godliness has indeed the promise of this life, as well of that which is to come (I Timothy 4:8). There is a solid peace in feeling and knowing that God is your friend. There is a genuine satisfaction in knowing that however great your unworthiness, you are complete in Christ, that you have an enduring portion, that you have chosen that good part which shall not be taken form you (Luke 10:42).
-J. C. Ryle  
Follow this path of life, and do not turn away form it. The path of the wicked and worldly man will grow darker and darker till it reaches the depths of eternity in hell, while the path of the Christian will shine as a bright light illumined by the glory and majesty of the Saviour, Jesus Christ. And its light will live on for eternity in heaven worshiping the one who saved its very soul from death.
Young man, these things are true.
Bear with this word of exhortation. Be persuaded.
Take up the cross. Follow Christ. Yield yourself to God.
- J. C. Ryle
       Lucas C.

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