John 1:19-34
Title: The testimony of
John and baptism of Jesus.
speaking of Jesus as the light, John now delves into his documentation of the
life of Jesus. In these verses John begins to provide proof that Jesus is the
Messiah and Son of God. John the apostle
starts by revealing who John the Baptist is to us in verses 19-28. At this time
John was living in the wilderness baptizing those who would believe in the name
of Christ. His primary ministry was to point those to the soon coming King of
Kings. At this time the Pharisees, perhaps some of the Sanhedrin came to question John asking him if he was the Christ. John is very bold and denies this saying, “I am not the Christ.” These men then ask if he is Elijah, probably thinking of the prophecy from Malachi 5:4 which says Elijah will come before Messiah. John was not Elijah but rather a type of Elijah who did indeed herald the Messiah. John the Baptist doe answer their questions by quoting Isaiah 40:3 and applying it to himself, saying that he is a voice proclaiming that the Lord is on His way.
The Pharisees then question John as to why he baptizes and how he received authority to baptize. The reason John baptized was because when Messiah would come there would be a time of physical and spiritual cleansing. The Jews as well as the Gentiles who were not saved needed cleansing and preparation for the arrival of Messiah.
Although he baptized Christ, John did not regard himself as worthy for this position. He speaks of Christ being so glorious that he could not even untie the thong of His sandal. John constantly shifted the emphasis from himself to Christ, exemplifying extreme humility and acknowledgement of the complete Lordship Jesus possessed.
John the apostle, now takes a shift in his focus between John and the Pharisees and turns to recall the events of the baptism of the Saviour. John gives a profound testimony when he sees Jesus, stating in vs. 29, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” This statement speaks of Jesus as a sacrificial lamb, who came in human form while still being fully God to take away the sins of mankind. John continues to explain that Jesus is higher than himself once again affirming His deity by saying in vs. 30, “…He existed before me…”
Also seen in this passage is one of the greatest proofs of the Trinity, showing both the Spirit and the Son, at the baptism of Jesus. We also know the Father spoke from heaven affirming his Good pleasure (Luke 3:22). John the Baptist affirms this testimony by directly stating in verse 34, “I myself have seen, and have testified that this is the Son of God.
As I read through this passage I was particularly struck
by Verse 29b which states, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of
the world!” I found it to be such a profoundly true statement that John made
about Christ so near to the beginning of His ministry. It reminded me that
Christ truly is our ‘sacrificial lamb’ who came and bore my own sin on the
cross! As personal application I can’t think but how on earth could I not give
everything I have to serve this Christ who would snatch a sinner like myself
from the punishment I justly deserve in hell.
verse brought my thoughts to my salvation, and how it was so unmerited and so mercifully
granted to me by God. Now, I have the privilege to be His slave and serve Him
daily; no less have the freedom to study the very Words of God. What greater
reason can compel one to serve the Lord, than to fully realize that God died
so that you could live and bring glory to His name? But also, so that you
could forever worship Him in Heaven, because he knows that that is the only
thing that will bring us eternal joy.
Lucas C.
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