Wednesday, 8 October 2014

The Gospel of John: John 4:27-42

John 4:27-42

Title: The Samaritans Believe in Christ.

                Not long after Christ witness to the women at the well, the disciples return and are amazed to see Him speaking with a woman (vs.27). The women was too shocked by what Jesus had claimed Himself to be so she leaves her water pot and rushes to the city telling all the people that Jesus could be their long awaited Messiah.
                The disciples, who were perplexed at this moment, offer Jesus some of the food they brought back, but he refuses saying in verse 32, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” Jesus was of course speaking of spiritual food or, the gospel. Just like the Samaritan women the disciples did not understand that He spoke of obeying His Father who was in Heaven.
                Jesus now enters into dialogue comparing His work on earth to a farmer who must harvest his crops. He uses the fields surrounding them as a picture of the harvest that is coming, while also comparing it to the harvest of man’s souls. At the time of vs. 35 the Lord points out the crowd coming from the town and compares them to the fields around them. They were ripe for harvest because Jesus knew their hearts and knew that they would believe in Him. The Lord calls His disciples to work with Him in evangelizing the people for then they will have eternal rewards because of their service to Him.
                The Samaritans were genuine believers and John uses them as an example to prove that Jesus was the Messiah and Son of God. First, the Lord’s interaction with the women at the well shows that His knowledge of mankind is omniscient, proving that He must be God. Secondly, the way that she reacted in verses 28-29 by telling the people of her town that Jesus is the Messiah. Subtly proving that she had believed in Him. And finally in Verses 41-42 showed that the work of their belief was not because of another person’s testimony but because of what they had seen and heard from Christ Himself.
                The people of Samaria were not superficial in their trust of the Saviour. Rather we read in verse 42, their confession of the Christ which says, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Saviour of the World.”        

                As I read verses 32-34, I was struck by the complete dependence that Jesus Christ had towards the Father while he was on earth. When Jesus spoke with the Samaritan women he was receiving more satisfaction and strength that any food could provide. He was also probably referring to Deut. 8:3 which states, “Man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD.” Jesus’s obedience to His Father was food enough for Him to live upon. And as I think of our Lord's dependence I think that I too can be dependent upon God. How well do I put my complete trust in Him so that I have no need of anything else? Do I rest in His very Words, or do I run to something else to find my security? I know that I must run to Him and depend on Him at all times.  
           Lucas C.

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