Monday, 13 October 2014

The Gospel of John: John 4:43-54

John 4:43-54

Title: The Miraculous Healing of the Officials Son

                Jesus, after spending two days in Samaria continues on his journey and arrives in Galilee. Unlike in Samaria, Jesus is not believed in by the people of His home town as exhibited in vs. 44 and vs. 48. At this time John records for us the second major sign that our Lord performed during His earthly ministry (vs. 54). Jesus is now in Cana of Galilee, the same place where he performed his first miracle of turning the water into wine.
                As he has arrived, news of his arrival and miracles had obviously spread throughout the area. A Royal officer hears that Jesus is in Cana and comes to the Lord asking Him to heal his son (vs. 47). He literally begs Jesus repeatedly in desperation for the condition of His son. Jesus knew that he believed that He could perform the miracle but did not completely believe in Him as Messiah. This is the reason for the Saviours response in vs. 48 which says, “Unless you people see signs and wonders you simply will not believe.” Jesus is referring to the Galileans as a whole group of people but also specifically to this man. The Samaritans believed Jesus not because of what the women said (vs. 42), but rather because they heard for themselves. The Galileans searched instead for signs from Christ and not His preached word. They saw Him as a great miracle worker but did not believe in Him as the chosen Messiah.
                After Jesus responds to the official we once again see Him beg the Saviour to heal his child. And without further need of prompting, our Lord is His infinite mercy says, “Go, your son lives.” (vs. 50) In spite of the lack of faith Jesus still meets the man’s needs. What mercy our Saviour shows!
                As the man continues back home, some servants meet with him and tell him that his sons fever left him at the seventh hour. The Officer remembers that this was the same time he spoke with Jesus. Upon realizing this, his partial unfaithfulness turned to complete faith in the Lord and not only he but also his entire household believed in Jesus Christ.
                In the end, the Lord was sovereignly testing the officer’s faith to see whether he would truly believe in Him as Messiah and not just a man who could work miracles. Amazingly the man and his entire household put their trust in the Saviour, as not only a God who heals but a God who saves resulting in belief.      

                Do you put your belief in the Son of God at all times? Was the question that came to my mind after reading this passage of scripture from John. For myself I know it is easy to trust in Jesus when times are free from trial or temptation. But it is ever so hard to trust when my heart is pulled by the sinful calls of this world. In this text, the Officer runs to Jesus but with the wrong motives. He wants Jesus to be a temporary solvent to his problems rather than a life-long Saviour who is always there. As a Christian it is imperative to realize that Christ is there for us and we must run to Him in trials and in joys. I know He will strengthen us and refresh us in trial, and he will be our guide and friend in joys. The Christian life is about commitment to Christ, full-time commitment as a slave serves his master so we serve our Lord. May God grant me the faith to be completely trusting that Jesus is the promised Messiah and can wash me new from all my filthy stains.   

           Lucas C.

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